
Dilly Dally - Sore
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
Jori Hulkkonen - Man From Earth
Dmitry Evgrafov - Collage
The Drums - Summertime

Ben Harper - Live At The Hollywood Bowl

Brève parue sur i-muzzik

Album de Aesop Rock (parue le 18/09/2003 )

Le 23 Septembre sera disponible un nouvel album d'Aesop Rock intitulé "Bazooka Tooth". Tracklist : Bazooka Tooth, NY Electric, Easy, No Jumper Cables, Limelighters [featuring Camp Lo], Super Fluke, Cook it Up [featuring PFAC], Freeze, We're Famous [featuring El-P], Babies With Guns, The Greatest Pac-Man Victory in History, Frijoles, 11:35 [featuring Mr. Lif], Kill the Messenger, Mars Attacks.