
Timber Timbre - Timber Timbre
The Drums - Summertime
Lontalius - I'll forget 17
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
Efterklang - With The Danish National Orchestra Performing Parades

Depeche Mode - One night in Paris

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Compilation best-of de Death In Vegas (parue le 13/12/2004 )

Death In Vegas publiera le 07 Février prochain une compilation best-of intitulé "Milk It". Au format double cd, le second disque contiendra des remixes et raretés. Tracklist disque 1 : Aisha, So You Say You Lost Your Baby, Dirt, Rekkit, Scorpio Rising, Soul Auctioneer, Hands Around My Throat, All That Glitters, Dirge, Girls, Rematerialised. Tracklist disque 2 : Aisha (Trevor Jackson mix), Hands Around My Throat (Adult mix), Hands Around My Throat (UXB mix), Scorpio Rising (Polyphonic Spree mix), One More Time (featuring Bobby Gillespie), Dirge (Slam remix), Dirge (Cossack mix), Dirt (Mullet mix), Twist And Crawl (full mix from import 'Dead Elvis'), Rocco (Dave Clark mix), Rekkit (Two Lone Swordsmen remix), Neptune City (Two Lone Swordsmen remix).