
Josh T Pearson - Last of the Country Gentlemen
Young Man - Boy
Lontalius - I'll forget 17
Nico Yaryan - What A Tease
Timber Timbre - Timber Timbre

The Beatles - Celebration

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Compilation de At The Drive-In (parue le 13/04/2005 )

Le 06 Juin prochain sera disponible une compilation anthologie de At The Drive-In intitulé "This Station Is Non-Operational". via V2. Tracklist : Farenheit, Picket Fence Cartel, Chanabra, Lopsided, Napoleon Solo, Pickpocket, Doorman’s Placebo, Metronome, 198D, One Armed Scissor, Enfilade, Non Zero Possibility, Incetardis, Autorelocator, Rascuache (Vaya Remix), This Night Has Opened My Eyes, Initiation (BBC Lamacq Session), Take My Stethoscope And Walk. Un DVD bonus accompagnera la compilation ou l'on retrouvera les vidéos de "One Armed Scissor", "Invalid Litter Dept", "Metronome Arthritis", une discographie, des fonds d'écran ...