
V&A - Watergate 06 by dOP
Josh T Pearson - Last of the Country Gentlemen
The Drums - Summertime
Efterklang - With The Danish National Orchestra Performing Parades
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

Stomp : Rhythms of the world

Brève parue sur i-muzzik

Tracklist du prochain Franz Ferdinand (parue le 04/08/2005 )

Les Franz Ferdinand ont communiqué la tracklist du prochain album qui s'intitulera "You Could Have It So Much Better … With Franz Ferdinand" (disponible le 03 Octobre) : The Fallen, Do You Want To, This Boy, Walk Away, Evil And A Heathen, You're the Reason I'm Leaving, Eleanor Put Your Boots On, Well That Was Easy, What You Meant, I'm Your Villain, You Could Have it So Much Better, Fade Together, Outsiders. L'album sera précédé par le single "Do You Want To" le 19 Septembre.