
Blockhead - The Music Scene
Fortune - Staring At the Ice Melt
Dmitry Evgrafov - Collage
Young Man - Boy
Jori Hulkkonen - Man From Earth

Rage Against The Machine - Battle of Mexico

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Compilation b-sides de Guided by Voices (parue le 28/08/2002 )

Les Guided by Voices sortiront aux alentours du 17 Septembre prochain "The Pipe Dreams Of Instant Prince Whippet", une compilation composée de titres extraits de "Universal Truths and Cycles" et "Isolation Drills" ainsi que de b-sides. La tracklist est la suivante : Visit This Place, Swooping Energies, Keep It Coming, Actions Speak Volumes, Stronger Lizards, The Pipe Dreams of Instant Prince Whippet, Request Pharmaceuticals, For Liberty, Dig Through My Window, Beg For A Wheelbarrow.