
The Drums - Summertime
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
Timber Timbre - Timber Timbre
Dmitry Evgrafov - Collage
The Antlers - Hospice

U2 360° At The Rose Bowl

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Double album de Grandaddy (parue le 15/01/2003 )

Selon Jason Lytle de Grandaddy, l'enregistrement du nouvel album du groupe est quasiment terminé. Intitulé provisoirement "Surnday", l'opus se présentera sous forme d'un double CD. Tracklist : Disque 1 :Now It's On, I'm on Standby, The Go in the Go-For-It, The Group Who Couldn't Say, Lost on Yer Merry Way, El Caminos in the West ,Stray Dog and the Chocolate Shake. Disque 2 : Yeah Is What We Had, O.K. with My Decay, The Saddest Vacant Lot in All the World, The Warming Sun, Fare Thee Not Well Mutineer, The Final Push to the Sum.