
Timber Timbre - Timber Timbre
Nico Yaryan - What A Tease
Fortune - Staring At the Ice Melt
Josh T Pearson - Last of the Country Gentlemen
Lontalius - I'll forget 17

Ben Harper - Live At The Hollywood Bowl

Brève parue sur i-muzzik

Nouvel album de Broadcast (parue le 10/07/2003 )

Le 12 Aout prochain sortira un nouvel album de Broadcast intitulé "HaHa Sound" (et non "Pendulum" comme il etait annoncé dans la news du mois d'Avril) via Warp Records. Tracklist : Colour Me In, Pendulum, Before We Begin, Valerie, Man Is Not A Bird, Minim, Lunch Hour Pops, Black Umbrellas, Ominous Cloud, Distortion, Oh How I Miss You, The Little Bell, Winter Now, Hawk.