
Josh T Pearson - Last of the Country Gentlemen
Nico Yaryan - What A Tease
Dmitry Evgrafov - Collage
Lontalius - I'll forget 17
Efterklang - With The Danish National Orchestra Performing Parades

Stomp : Rhythms of the world

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Joan of Arc de retour en Aout (parue le 11/06/2004 )

Joan of Arc sera de retour dans les bacs le 24 Aout prochain avec l'album "Joan of Arc, Dick Cheney, Mark Twain ...". Tracklist : Questioning Benjamin Franklin's Ghost, Apocalypse Politics, The Title Track of This Album, Queasy Lynn, White and Wrong, Onomatopoeic Animal Faces, A Half-Deaf Girl Named Echo, 80's Dance Parties Most of All, Deep Rush, Gripped By the Lips, Fleshy Jeffrey, Abigail Cops and Animals, "Still" from Miss Kate's Texture Dictionary, The Details of the Bomb, I Trust a Litter of Kittens Still Keeps the Colosseum, The Telephones Have Begun Making Calls, The Cash In and Price.